Monday, April 20, 2015

History, Repeating?

April 19, 1995 was an ordinary day for me.  I went to my classes at Rochester Institute of Technology, and took a break for my afternoon workout.

While this was going on, I saw footage of a bombing in Oklahoma City.  I dismissed it as part of the regular programming.  When they announced that the director of the F.B.I was going to be speaking, I realized that this was not a plot twist.

My first thought, like many Americans, was foreign terrorists.  The 1st World Trade Center bombings had passed, and I figured some foreign group had decided to try an attack on a softer target.  In the weeks and months to come, it was revealed that the attack had been the effort of domestic extremists.
That tragedy in Oklahoma City seemed to make the end of the militia movement, but they may have only looked dead.

The election of Barack Obama has sparked a rise in "patriot groups".  These groups have found a political voice with the "Tea Party" and may have re-armed.  Much of the rhetoric from the National Rifle Association can sound like that which came from the militia movement of the 1990s. 

Could we see another attack like Oklahoma City.  As the "Redneck Taliban" that make up the membership base of the N.R.A see their vision of America more and more threatened, they could make a try.  A federal court building, and Internal Revenue Service Office or even an ATF office could all be targets. 

Of course, with Islamophobia being a large part of the conservative mindset, a mosque may be a more likely target.

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